
 XHTML Validated CSS Validated 
508 Validated wai validated

Contact Info

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Your visitors will enjoy browsing your photos with this beautiful photo light box. Visit the Photo Galleries for sample galleries and instructions.


Getting Started

Step One - make a back-up of the original template zip download and store a copy to ensure you retain a copy of the original (unedited) template.

Drop-Down Menu

The drop-down menu is provided through Stu Nicholls of CSSplay.co.uk.

We've created video instructions for those interested in previewing this menu system before purchasing the template.

CSS PlayWe invite you to acknowledge your appreciation of this great menu system by making a small donation ($10USD) to CSSplay.co.uk. Even small donations enable developers like Stu Nicholls to continue to offer great solutions for our web sites!

Image Helpers

Create a bordered frame for images easily by applying one of the pre-designed border classes from the Cascading Style Sheet.

small image 1
Before - no css class applied

small image 1

after (CSS effect)

After - the border float left class was applied to this image which creates a "Polaroid" frame effect while also floating the image to the left. Apply a border floating left (borderfloatL) or right (borderfloatR) - or no float at all (border). These preformatted styles make photo enhancements easy.


example of code snippet


product image

Expanding CSS

There are great free resource sites where you can learn more about Cascading Style Sheets...