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Vancouver, BC
Canada V7A 1B2

Toll Free: 1.800.555.1234
T: 604.555.1234
F: 604.555.9876

 XHTML Validated CSS Validated 
508 Validated wai validated

Cascading Style Sheet

There are great free resource sites where you can learn more about Cascading Style Sheets...


DWT - Dynamic Web Templates

The DWT's in this package are DWTIG (Dynamic Web Template Interchange Guidelines) Compliant. This template contains five (5) DWT layouts:

  1. home-splash.dwt
  2. menu-left.dwt
  3. menu-right.dwt
  4. 3-column.dwt
  5. full-width.dwt

DWT Regions

These are the definitions of the DWT Editable Regions used in DWTIG Compliant Templates:

  • doctitle: the title of the page, the title appears in the uppermost left corner of the browser status bar. 
  • keywords: keywords for your each page are assigned in this field.
  • description: the page description is applied in this field
  • scripting: this field assigns the location for any coding (asp, java script, etc.) used on the page.
  • banner: name of the page being viewed.
  • sub_menu: secondary navigation
  • body1: main body content; where multiple columns are used, this content will appear in the widest column and is considered the "primary" content area.
  • body2: secondary body content; where multiple columns are used, this field will assign content in a sidebar column (left or right).
  • body3: third level content; where multiple columns are used, this field will assign content in a sidebar column (left or right).
  • special1: placeholder for an applet or other unique content items
  • special2: placeholder for an applet or other unique content items


The template is designed with five popular layout options. The template package arrives in a Winzip (.zip) format. All of the files, the CSS, images, are included in the zip file package. A "ReadMe" file is included in this Starter Web Package:

  • Five Layouts: Home "Splash", Menu Left, Menu Right, 3 Column, Full Width
  • Dreamweaver DWT with Libraries
  • CSS based layout (no tables) for a 1024 screen layout
  • Master Files: a layered Photoshop file is included
  • Browsers: IE 6 and 7, Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome, Netscape, and Opera
  • Validated: XHTML 1.0 Strict, CSS, WCAG 1.0, 508 Accessibility
    Important Note: elements such as the YouTube video and tables (gallery page) do NOT validate - however removing the elements will provide for validated code.

Drop-Down Menu

The drop-down menu system is provided through Stu Nicholls -- this is mostly a CSS menu system with a bit of javascript. As instructions were not included with this menu system, we have created a video tour to help illustrate how the menu can be edited:

Who Should Edit the CSS Menu?

We suggest that webmasters of an intermediate/advanced level of CSS editing will be capable of managing changes to this template. This template is not for beginners.

CSS PlayWe invite you to acknowledge your appreciation of this great menu system by making a small contribution ($10 USD) to
All donations enable developers, like Stu Nicholls, to continue
to offer great solutions for our web sites!


Your visitors will enjoy browsing your photos with this beautiful photo light box. Visit the Photo Galleries for sample galleries and instructions.


Legally Licenses Images Available

Big Stock Photo

Big Stock Image

This template contains sample royalty free images that are available for purchase at BigStock Photo. The sample images are placeholders to illustrate where graphics can be placed and may not be used in the web site project.

Ecommerce Graphics

A series of customizable shopping cart icons, and the master photoshop file are included:

blank  add to cart  view cart  icon  search
home  email  login  logout
sound on  sound off

question tools check up  down

Search Engine Optimization

The template is light - most of the design instructions are contained within the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) which lightens the HTML code. This allows the search engines to read your content, and in web marketing, content is king!
