Contact Info

Kiwanis Foundation of Canada
P.O. Box 5034
Brantford, Ontario
N3T 6J7

T: 519.304.3038

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Send a Kid to Camp

The Kiwanis Foundation of Canada has a grant for Kiwanis clubs that support the Sending of Kid(s) to Camp.

Kiwanis Clubs in Canada may apply for this matching grant by providing to the Foundation, documentation that confirms they have provided funds to send a kid to camp. Proof of expenditures for this grant must be provided by the club and sent to the Foundation with your request for the funding match (e.g., If you spend $500, we will reimburse you $250).

The Foundation will provide an annual 50% matching grant up to $500 per year. Each Kiwanis Club in Canada may apply for this grant once a year. There is $3,500 available for this grant in this year.

Please send all documentation to:

Note: Grants are available to those clubs that have made their annual donation of $15 per member in the current year.
