Contact Info

Kiwanis Foundation of Canada
P.O. Box 5034
Brantford, Ontario
N3T 6J7

T: 519.304.3038

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Matching Scholarship Program

The Purpose of the Scholarship

The Kiwanis Foundation of Canada encourages deserving students in the pursuit of higher education, high personal goals and community responsibility.


Kiwanis Clubs in Canada may apply and be considered for a Matching Scholarship. The Matching scholarship is a minimum of $500 and the maximum Foundation match that each club can apply for is $1,000 annually. Selection will depend in part on current Foundation Scholarship resources.


The criteria for student eligibility shall be acceptable grades, good character, financial need, participation in school activities and community service involvement. It is the responsibility of the sponsoring Kiwanis club to assess the eligibility of the student and select the recipients.

Students who are considered eligible shall be:

  • Pursuing post-high school studies at a recognized institution in Canada, or

  • Pursuing graduate studies at a recognized institution in Canada.

Application Procedure

  • An eligible Kiwanis club must apply in writing to the Kiwanis Foundation of Canada for inclusion in the current year scholarship program, before March 31st of each year.

  • Selected clubs will be notified of their inclusion by the Foundation not later than May 15th of the same year.

  • Selected clubs will provide the following to the Foundation, at least three weeks prior to the presentation date:

    • Application including name, address and SIN number of the recipient.
    • Description of the student’s accomplishments
    • A statement regarding the amount of the scholarship request, together with a cheque for the club’s matching share of the scholarship.

  • The approved Kiwanis clubs will receive the scholarship cheque and certificate in a Foundation presentation folder. The total amount of the scholarship cheque will be the amount received by the Foundation plus our matching amount. The Matching Scholarship is a minimum of $500 and the maximum annual Foundation match is $1,000 per club. All cheques are payable to the individual, organization or institution named in the scholarship and are refundable to the Foundation if not used.

Kiwanis clubs are encouraged to send photographs of scholarship presentations with the name of the recipient and the presenter to the Kiwanis Foundation of Canada. This may be used in a Foundation newsletter ( ) to promote the program.

Please send all correspondence to:

Note: This program is available to those clubs that have made their annual donation of $15 per member in the current year.
