Contact Info

Kiwanis Foundation of Canada
P.O. Box 5034
Brantford, Ontario
N3T 6J7

T: 519.304.3038

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Community Environmental Project Grant

This grant is to support Kiwanis clubs in Canada with projects to help build healthy, engaged, accessible and sustainable communities. This grant focusses on environmental oriented programs. 

Eligibility and requirements:

  • The Kiwanis Club applying for the grant must have donated to the Kiwanis Foundation of Canada in the current year a minimum of $15 per member.

  • Priorities will be given to Kiwanis-led projects with significant member participation and that involve youth organizations. We are not looking to make a financial contribution to an outside organization.

  • The maximum grant per application is $3,000, with one grant per club. It is a matching grant, so the club must be willing to spend an equal amount of funds.
  • An application must include:

  • Each application must include a description and impact of the project, the parties involved, a budget and how much the Kiwanis club will contribute physically/financially.

  • Click here for the Environmental Application form


  • Applications must be received at the Foundation office, prior to May 31st of each year. There is a total of $15,000 available for this grant. Not everyone who applies may receive a grant or the full amount they requested.

  • A committee will review all applications and determine the priority projects they wish to fund. This will be followed with a response to all applicants.

  • At any time after approval, the club may submit proof of their portion of the expenditures and request the matching grant from the Foundation.

A post project report must be submitted to the Foundation, outlining the impact and results. This report must be submitted prior to May 31st of the following year and would include photos, a summary of impact and financial/physical commitment from the club. Failure to submit the final report, may result in disqualification for future years.

Please send all documentation to:

