Contact Info

Kiwanis Foundation of Canada
P.O. Box 5034
Brantford, Ontario
N3T 6J7

T: 519.304.3038

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Mel Osborne Fellowship

THE MAN..... THE CAUSE......

The Kiwanis Foundation of Canada Inc., resulted from a challenge made to Kiwanis Canada by Past International Vice President Mel Osborne of the East York (Toronto) Kiwanis Club. Mel was sure that a National foundation would unite, strengthen Kiwanis and increase membership in all of Canada.

Mel had served with distinction as a Governor of the Ontario-Quebec-Maritime District in 1953, International Trustee from 1960-64 and as International Vice-President during 1964-65. Early in 1965, Mel suffered a heart attack and retired from the International board. In 1966, he was appointed to the Board of Trustees of the Kiwanis International Foundation where he served until 1970.

Mel's experience on the International Foundation Board persuaded him to recommend that Kiwanis Clubs in Canada should form a Canadian Foundation to promote the work of Kiwanis on a national scale in Canada. Kiwanians supported the plan and it was approved.

Mel called upon a number of distinguished Kiwanians to assist him in the formation of the Canadian Foundation. Past Governors and International Officers from across Canada, including Ralph D. Steele, QC; Clifford P. Wyman; Laurent Girouard; Jack P. Delf, Jack E. Willis; and Walter H. Howell, QC played key roles.

The Government of Canada granted the Charter for the Kiwanis Foundation of Canada Incorporated on the 27th,of July 1973.


The Kiwanis Foundation of Canada has, therefore, brought into existence an award, which honours one of the founders. This fellowship consists of Kiwanians and others who have contributed to the growth and work of Kiwanis. Their service and dedication is remembered and honoured by their being named to this prestigious society. The Foundation sends a special scroll honouring their contribution and the uniquely designed medallion.

To view a list of Mel Osborne recipients please click here.



You have an opportunity to continue to honour your Mel Osborne Fellows by providing them with a Diamond Mel Osborne Fellowship for their continued service to Kiwanis and the community they serve. The Diamond Fellowship has a distinctive coloured ribbon and a new diamond pin, which indicates the number of diamonds each fellow has received.

The various levels are achieved with a donation to the Foundation:

Mel Osborne Fellow: The basic level is available with a donation of $750.00 and the recipient receives a scroll, the Osborne Medallion with a gold and blue neck ribbon and a lapel pin/tie tack.

Diamond Level One Fellow: With a second donation of $750.00, the recipient receives a second Osborne Medallion encased in a shadow box, a gold/burgundy neck ribbon and a special diamond pin.

Additional Diamond Level Awards: With additional donations of $750.00 (each) the individual will receive a new tab with a number which will indicate the level the Diamond Fellow has reached.

Community Leader Award

Clubs may apply for a Mel Osborne Fellowship, in a Shadowbox format, to be presented to any non Kiwanis member in their community for a donation of $450. This is available to any Club in Canada once each year.

When requesting a Fellowship .......

It is most important that donors identify the recipient of the award and that their particulars be clearly set out in all correspondence (name, address etc). The name should be correctly spelled and any other text you wish added to the scroll should be shown, so that the order can be properly entered with the name and club if a Kiwanian. If you have an intended date for presentation, be sure to include it as well as a phone number contact from your Club. To apply simply send the above information by Email or Canada Post to the address shown at the top of this page. Cheque or Credit Card accepted.

* Donations to the Mel Osborne Program are not considered eligible donations for other Foundation programs.

Information Brochure (PDF)

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Mel Osborne Recipients

Please click here to view a list of Mel Osborne recipients.

