Contact Info

Kiwanis Foundation of Canada
P.O. Box 5034
Brantford, Ontario
N3T 6J7

T: 519.304.3038

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The Foundation is:

A nonprofit charitable foundation endorsed and approved in 1971 by the 3 Kiwanis Districts of Kiwanis International operating in Canada. It is a registered Charity and all donations are tax creditable in Canada.
The Foundation is governed by a board of volunteer Kiwanians from the three Kiwanis Districts of Canada.

Our Purposes is:

To provide financial support in many different ways including:

Promoting and providing financial support for Service Leadership Programs in all three Students from the Easter Canada Key ClubDistricts of Kiwanis in Canada (Pacific Northwest, Western Canada and Eastern Canada and the Caribbean).

Promoting and encouraging the presentation of scholarships by Kiwanis Clubs through the Matching Scholarship Program.
Collecting funds and administering the National Disaster Relief Fund.
Supporting special Kiwanis causes.


The Foundation's funds are received primarily from individual Kiwanis Members and their Clubs in our three Districts of Kiwanis in Canada. Gifts from corporations, other foundations, groups and individuals are also received. All donations shall be used to carry out the Foundation's stated purposes, unless specified as endowment funds.
