Contact Info

Kiwanis Foundation of Canada
P.O. Box 5034
Brantford, Ontario
N3T 6J7

T: 519.304.3038

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Planned Giving

You insure your valuables. Why not insure your values? When you include the Kiwanis Foundation of Canada (KFCDN)in your estate plans, that’s exactly what you do. Your gift will make a positive impact on children’s lives—even beyond your own. And your estate doesn’t have to be large to make a difference.


What is “planned giving” anyway?

People think that leaving money to a charity will diminish what they can leave to their children. But because of Canada’s tax regulations, you can give money to a charity that you would otherwise give to Canada Revenue Agency in taxes. And if your net income in the year of your death is lower than the amount you give, your executor can claim a rebate against your previous year’s income and add that to your estate.

“Planned giving” means that you create a charitable gift now that goes to the organization you love in the future, usually when you pass away.

It’s “planned” because it takes some thought and preparation, and because you should consult a lawyer and your financial planner about it. The easiest planned gift is part of something you should have anyway: your Will.

Planned giving opportunities include:

  • A bequest to the KFCDN through a will or trust.
  • Life insurance that names the KFCDN as a beneficiary.
  • A life income gift to the KFCDN that also provides lifetime income for you or your loved ones.
  • Naming the KFCDN as a beneficiary of a retirement plan.
  • An estate gift that deeds a residence to the KFCDN while retaining your full rights to live on the property for life.

The Kiwanis Foundation of Canada is here to help. We can work with you to determine a gift that makes sense for you and your family—while exploring the tax benefits that might be available.

Honoring your legacy

We take special care to honor donors whose gifts transform their generosity into their legacies. That’s why we have the The Kiwanis Foundation of Canada Legacy Fellowship for members who make a documented planned gift of $10,000 or more.


When you donate to the Kiwanis Foundation of Canada Legacy Fund, you…

  • secure the future of Foundation programs;
  • build the Endowment Fund; and
  • build a better future for children.

Legacy Fellowship members receive an exquisitely framed certificate and a lapel pin, recognition in donor publications and invitations to special events. As well, if they so choose, we honour them on our virtual legacy wall. On behalf of the children we support, thank you for your legacy gift.

Why Leave a Legacy?

Each of us can recall a time when we have been personally and positively touched through the caring contributions of others. Many Kiwanians give both their money and time to worthy causes; however, many of us are unaware that by making a gift in our will or trust we can continue to help people in need or to promote a favorite cause long after we are gone.

Anyone can make a bequest. Supporting the Kiwanis Foundation of Canada, a cause you cherish, matters a lot. It’s one of the most important things you can do to build the world you’d like to see.

Legacy Fellow

For more information:

To learn more about your planned gift opportunities, contact the Kiwanis Foundation of Canada.
